
A panel that slides out from the edge of the page can replace Modal to present more content.


import { Drawer } from 'rsuite';
  • <Drawer> - The container of Drawer.
  • <Drawer.Body> - The content of Drawer.
  • <Drawer.Actions> - The action buttons of Drawer, usually placed in the header of Drawer. (optional)
  • <Drawer.Header> - The header of Drawer, including the close button. (optional)
  • <Drawer.Title> - The title of Drawer, usually placed in the header of Drawer. (optional)
  • <Drawer.Footer> - The footer of Drawer. (optional)








Property Type (Default) Description
full boolean Deprecated. Use size="full" instead. Full screen
autoFocus boolean (true) When set to true, the Drawer is opened and is automatically focused on its own, accessible to screen readers
backdrop boolean | 'static' When set to true, the Drawer will display the background when it is opened. Clicking on the background will close the Drawer. If you do not want to close the Drawer, set it to 'static'.
backdropClassName string Add an optional extra class name to .modal-backdrop It could end up looking like class="modal-backdrop foo-modal-backdrop in".
classPrefix string ('drawer') The prefix of the component CSS class
closeButton ReactNode | boolean Custom close button, set to false to hide close button
enforceFocus boolean (true) When set to true, Drawer will prevent the focus from leaving when opened, making it easier for the secondary screen reader to access
keyboard boolean close Drawer when press esc
onClose () => void Callback fired when Drawer hide
onEnter () => void Callback fired before the Drawer transitions in
onEntered () => void Callback fired after the Drawer finishes transitioning in
onEntering () => void Callback fired as the Drawer begins to transition in
onExit () => void Callback fired right before the Drawer transitions out
onExited () => void Callback fired after the Drawer finishes transitioning out
onExiting () => void Callback fired as the Drawer begins to transition out
onOpen () => void Callback fired when Drawer display
open * boolean Open Drawer
placement Placement(right) The placement of Drawer
size 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | lg' | 'full' | number | string Set Drawer size


type Placement = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'right' | 'left';
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